Elijah and Hannah are 5 weeks old now! They are growing and growing. I was looking back on some of the photos from the hospital, and was re-living those precious moments where we were all introduced to each other for the first time. I was shocked to realize just how small they really were with they made their arrival. Both of them have grown out of their preemie clothes and are now wearing their newborn sizes - which is so exciting because I have SUCH a great time dressing them up in cute little outfits.
Their favorite things to do are: swing, cuddle, fall asleep in the arms of those who love them, eat, suck on their 'binkies' (pacifiers), and stare at the ceiling fans. We have gotten out a little here and there. Wendy and I were brave and went to have lunch with the kids at Altanta Bread Co. and walked around the outlet mall. Little by little our lives are starting to settle into some routine. It's always an adventure here!