Friday, June 27, 2008

5 Weeks Old!!

Elijah and Hannah are 5 weeks old now! They are growing and growing. I was looking back on some of the photos from the hospital, and was re-living those precious moments where we were all introduced to each other for the first time. I was shocked to realize just how small they really were with they made their arrival. Both of them have grown out of their preemie clothes and are now wearing their newborn sizes - which is so exciting because I have SUCH a great time dressing them up in cute little outfits.
Their favorite things to do are: swing, cuddle, fall asleep in the arms of those who love them, eat, suck on their 'binkies' (pacifiers), and stare at the ceiling fans. We have gotten out a little here and there. Wendy and I were brave and went to have lunch with the kids at Altanta Bread Co. and walked around the outlet mall. Little by little our lives are starting to settle into some routine. It's always an adventure here!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long Night

On more than one occasion our sweet little girl has decided that she does not want to sleep in her crib with her brother, but that she would rather sleep snuggled up to either her Mama or Daddy. Mammy took this picture of Hannah and I sleeping in our easy chair after a long night. We had tried repeatedly to get Hannah to fall asleep in the crib, but she would not! So I finally took her out into the living room so Jonathan could sleep and she and I slept soundly together in our lazy boy. It was a long night, but as I look back on it now I wouldn't trade it for anything, it was a sweet time. Hannah currently does much better and sleeps comfortably in her crib.... well, for now anyway! :)


After Hannah and Eli's cords fell off it was time for a real bath! Hannah had her's first and was none to pleased with it! She pretty much screamed the entire time! However, she was clean and dry minutes later and had some cuddle time with mom. Eli seemed to enjoy the warm water much more and gave mom a much easier time.

Bathing these children was more of a challenge than I anticipated! They are so slippery! But it all worked out and it'll get better with time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Hannah Faith and Elijah David or 'Eli' were born on May 21st, 2008. Eli was 5lbs 3oz and Hannah was 4lbs 8oz. They made it safely into the world, and it was an amazing and beautiful experience for Jonathan and me. Elijah was born at 1:03pm and Hannah followed her brother at 1:20pm. Jonathan was able to help our doctor in the delievery of Elijah. There were a few obsticals with Hannah that prevented Jonathan from being as much a part of the delievery for her.