Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Little Escapades

Cooling Down

This summer has been H-O-T!!  I am finally beginning to realize what people in the southern most states do in order to survive the long summers - water, lots and lots of it.  Pools, fountains, water hoses, baby pools, you name it. It is not just a fun time-filler, it is an essential tool to make getting outside happen. On most mornings, my poor children are shooed out the door to catch the milder morning temperatures while they last.  Then upon realizing that Eli's face is the color of a ripe tomato, I  come to grips with reality, it simply isn't fun playing in 97+ degrees.  Not to mention that the ozone is sadly a hazard as well.  So we've made trips to the library, Centennial Olympic Park, and the indoor bouncing gym to occupy our times.  Here is little of what we've been up to these days:

Hannah Enjoying time in the water hose

Baking Cookies

Sweet Rewards

Waiting for the Train

Of course, we had to take the kids on MARTA in order to give them an experience riding the train.  They are both really into trains right now, especially Eli who for a while carried around his Thomas nearly everywhere he went.   They loved riding downtown watching cars, buildings, and landscape go whizzing by us.  Such a thrill for them.  Eli actually watched in awe.

Hannah was SOOO excited!

A stop into see 'Pops' at the 'Chick-bite store'

Picnic at Centennial Park

Playing in the Olympic Rings Fountain Downtown

We've been making short trips to Tennessee throughout the later half of this summer in order to mow the grass, check on our house, and try to get things ready for the house to sell.  Hannah and Eli call it 'Our Tennessee Home.'

Sitting on the Entry Porch

No trip to TN would be complete for our little family if we didn't include an escapade into the woods.

And finally, we celebrated Pop's birthday with the making of homemade vanilla bean and peach ice cream!

Grill Master in Training

Happy Birthday Pops!

All in all, we've had a great summer.  And we are looking forward to more adventures to come...

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