Friday, September 16, 2011

Mouse Cleaning

"Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy"

During a recent trip to the library we stumbled upon this book and it has been a real hit in our home.  Hannah has especially taken a liking to it because the story line of the book is built upon cleaning.  I highly recommend this book if you have a clean-loving toddler or pre-schooler.  This is a fun read.

Hannah is our token neat freak/cleaning machine.  One of her favorite activities is to fill her spray bottle, grab a rag, and go to work wiping just about anything in sight much to the dismay of some things (including Pilgrim our dog).  In her mind she is contributing, and although each window is now streaked with watery drips and every swept pile of dust is scattered once again in her attempts to sweep it up, she is still such a help and brings me so much joy as I watch this aspect of her personality develop more and more.  

Looking for the mouse that inspires the cleaning 
(you'll have to read the book)

She comes by this trait honestly.  She has various aunts and a grandmother whose passion in life is organization and cleanliness.  So, here's to all you neat freaks out there!  I am raising another to join the ranks!  I personally tend to embrace the quote that I put at the beginning of this post!

And she does it with such Style!

1 comment:

breezyone said...

I love that she dresses up to clean.