Monday, April 11, 2011

Monkey'in Around

Recently we enjoyed a visit from a few special people in our lives.  Hannah and Eli absolutely LOVED playing together with their cousins.  It is so neat to watch the kids play together, they have just reached this age where interaction begins and all sorts of games abound and imagination and make-believe start to come alive.
While they were in town we had the opportunity to visit the Atlanta Zoo, and WHAT A ZOO IT WAS!!  The place was PACKED!  One could have easily thought they were handing out pet monkeys the way everyone had flocked to that place.  I sincerely thought we had to be there with at least 80% of the elementary-child-toting population.  Wow, I honestly feel like I missed the forest for the trees.  I was so concentrated on not running over some kid with my double jogging stroller, or worst yet, loosing one of our kids amidst the busy mass.  I know I wasn't the only person feeling this way, a total stranger and I shared a laugh over the mass of humanity, because what else can you do?  It truly felt like someone had stepped on a human ant pile and everyone was running to either attach or get out of the way!  I literally had to merge into the human traffic every time we left an exhibit!

But all joking/venting aside, it really was a fun experience! :) And the best part of it all - watching the kids.  They had a GREAT time! No matter what we adults were feeling in relation to the over-crowded, hot atmosphere, the kids took it in stride and soaked up every bit of joy out of the experience.  Got to love that!  Boy, do I have a lot to learn from them.


Wondering what these next few photos are all about?  Well, Daddy always has something up his sleeves when it comes to entertaining the kids.  This particular day it was semi-rappelling!

Don't worry Grandmas, Eli wasn't too high

 Loving the Ride!

 Going Tandem

 Every Good Climber Needs to Fuel-Up!


Jessica said...

So glad that we got to spend time with you and the kids!

Betsy said...

Love being with y'all and can't wait until our next visit together!

Jessica said...

Love the pictures of the kids rappelling! Looks like they had a blast!