Friday, February 18, 2011

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

"Can I ride?" Eli asking about the nearby jet that just took off. How do you explain to a 2-year-old that planes aren't like the swings on the playground, you can't just hop on
the sensation to ride hits. But in this one question is tucked away the essence of what makes childhood beautiful - unharnessed desire and fearless dreaming. "Mommy, I ride." Eli and Hannah were mesmerized by the planes taking flight and landing. Living in a big city has given us the frequent opportunity to watch helicopters and air planes fly over head. I always enjoy seeing my kid's unguarded excitement.

We spent yesterday morning playing at PDK airport here in Atlanta. The kids were thrilled with the playground and the opportunity to see planes taking flight. Each take off drew an equal amount of excitement. Small fingers pointing to the sky, eyes squinting into the sun, and smiles so big!

Hannah and Eli had the opportunity to play with their friend, Will. It is so fun to watch as these little people play and interact with one another sharing their excitement.

I am so grateful that my children are reminding me about the simple joys in life, living in playful gratitude for
little things. What would I be like if I was able to take such delight in even the small things?

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