We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot
This well-read quote seems especially appropriate for this season that our lives seem to be falling into at the moment. We have returned to east Tennessee for this time, however long it may last - short or long, that is to be determined. But of what I am sure, I am going to cherish and allow every moment of our time here to be taken captive to the whole of my being. I want to be alive here and now, relishing each opportunity to do something and imprint a new experience onto my heart that will differ from past ones here in this place so familiar. I want to rewrite history and give this place a new name, one that capitulates to the pulse of a life well-lived, and not a mind heavy burdened and lost. I want to drop all my tendencies towards reticence and fear, and give into the same desire to explore and experience that my children live out each and every day. Oh, to be promised all the joy that they carry daily, and the driven mindset that they have just to move about and not quit until energy finally gives way and the bed offers the hope of dreams sweet. Hmmmm, that would be nice. They are reminding me daily of what life is - life: living, breathing, active, whole.
So in light of a desire to live and be, our family has taken to doing something that we all love most - hiking. I think I can honestly say that my children (at least at this point) absolutely adore hiking. The seemingly never ending path to all sorts of discoveries and treasures has them enamored with being outside. They are in love. This past weekend we had the delight to have our friends from North Carolina join us over night. It was incredibly soul enriching to spend time with them and their new addition!
Getting 'trail legs' early
Eli has recently formed an attachment to the movie, Bambi.
He is re-inacting/make-believing the antlers of deer getting tangled during a dominance fight.
Trying out Birch branches for the winter green flavor that is naturally produced
Hannah's Birch Branch Experience
Hannah discovered these two roots in the ground and put the stick between the two
in order to form the letter, H. As she is learning her name,
she is very aware of the various letter H's we come across these days
Eli gets a hold of REAL antlers at Poppie's house - LOVE.
First S'more
I think he liked it
Yep, pretty sure he liked it.
I know she liked it!